Tuesday, 5 November 2019

The Scientific Point of View - Essay - by J B S Haldane - Notes - Summary

The Scientific Point of View ---- J B S Haldane
        “The Scientific Point of View” is an essay written by J.B.S. Haldane. In this essay, he opposes superstition and supports rational thinking.  He says that science affects us in two ways – we are benefited by its applications and it affects our opinions. According to Haldane, the scientific point of view must be applied to the events of daily life.  Science has already revolutionized industry, agriculture, war and medicine and now it must be applied to the family, nation or the human race.
          Haldane says that the scientist is superior to God as he is ethically neutral. The scientist works out the consequences of many actions but he does not pass judgment on them.  The average man is interested in the emotional and ethical side of a case. But, a scientist is interested in facts.  
`      Haldane gives two examples for scientific spirit – one, the problem of the American Negro and other, the problem of disease.  The American Negro is accustomed to the hot climate of the cotton estates in the Southern states.  His population increases there.  If he is made to live in luxury, he loses his stamina and even dies.  So the scientist prefers the Negro to live a life of hardship.
         Science has given the miraculous drugs to destroy diseases. But we lack the scientific spirit to use it properly. For example, diabetics can be cured by taking insulin regularly. Typhoid can be controlled by using boiled water. Diphtheria, small pox and measles the air bone diseases, can be prevented by public efforts. But most of the people do not care to follow this. The reason is that we do not have scientific spirit.  In addition, we do not take steps to correct it. Thus, Haldane highlights the importance of spreading scientific spirit.

Lecturer in English
Govt. Degree College
Ph: 7981862200


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