Thursday, 16 April 2020

Nannaya University - Degree - II Year - 3rd Semester - English - Model Paper - AKNU

Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry
Nannaya University - Degree - II Year - 3rd Semester - English - Model Paper

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CBCS / Semester System
(From 2015-16 Admitted Batch)
III Semester Syllabus
Blue Print of the Semester End Exam. Question Paper:
  Total Marks: 75
  Section – A (Prose)
  Answer 3 out of 4 questions;  3X5 = 15M
  Section – B (Poetry)
  Answer 3 out of 4 questions;  3X5 = 15M
  Section – C (Short Story)
  Answer 2 out of 3 questions;   2X5 = 10M
  Section – D (One Act Play)
  Answer 2 out of 3 questions;   2X5 = 10M
  Section – E (Composition)  (25 Marks)
1.     Writing a Paragraph on given topic (1 out of 3)           1X5 = 5 M
2.     Preparing a Press Note on given activity               -        1X 5 =5 M
3.     Note making from the given paragraph                 -        1X5 = 5 M  
4.     Match the following (Instructions/ Notices)                   -        5X1 = 5 M
5.     Write One word Substitutes                                   -        5X1 = 5 M

DEGREE – 3rd Semester
Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                                                                                        Max . Marks: 75
Answer any Three of the following Questions                                                                   3X5 = 15 M
1.       Gandhiji’s views of shyness are a little complex
2.       Why does Gandhiji say that this is constitutional
3.       What do people really love about new technology?
4.       What dos Genevieve Bell say about Women’s gadget adoption?
Answer any Three of the following Questions                                                                   3X5 = 15 M
1.       What is the central idea of the Poem ‘Once upon A Time’.
2.       How do the people in the poem ‘Once Upon A Time’ use language to hide their emptiness and hypocrisy?
3.       What were Seamus Heaney’s memories of his grandfather in the Poem ‘ Digging’?
4.       How is Potato- picking similar in some ways to Poetry?
Answer Any Two of the following  Questions                                                                     2X5 = 10 M
1.       Sketch briefly the character of Mrs. Mina Das.
2.       How does Mrs. Das’ attitude change towards Mr. Kapasi as they go along? Explain.
3.       Give an account of Mother’s nature and behavior depicted in the story ‘The Beloved Charioteer’.

Answer Any Two of the following  Questions                                                                     2X5 = 10 M
1.       Sketch the character of Girisam in the play ‘ Kanyasulkam’
2.       How is ‘Kanyasulkam’ a critique of society?
3.       Describe the condition of women in society as portrayed in the play.

1.       Write a neat paragraph on any one of the following.                                      1X5 = 5 M

a.       Slow attitude. Long life
b.      Knowledge is power
c.       Honesty is the Best Policy

2.       Prepare a press note on ‘Freshers Party’ conducted in your college.       1X5 = 5 M
(Your answer must include important details such as date, chief guest,                                     presiding officer, events)

3.       Read the following paragraph and make notes on the topic and main ideas.       1X5 = 5 M

A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps for there is a companionship of books as well as of men: and one should always live in the best company, whether it be or books or of men.

A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that is always was and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful companions. It does not return its back upon us in times of adversity or distress it always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth and comforting and consoling us in age.

4.       Match the following                                                                                                                      5X1 = 5 M

1.       It is highly inflammable                                          -              a) Tight security
2.       The parcel contains glassware                            -              b) Avoid fire
3.       Aeroplanes are prohibited                                   -              c) Abandoned
4.       This building is old                                                    -              d) No flying zone
5.       This is highly guarded by the police                  -              e) Handle with care

5.       Write one word substitutes for the following                                                                    5X1 = 5 M

1.       The Scientific study of Cancer
2.       Something that is found everywhere
3.       Science that deals with kidney diseases
4.       To admit one’s sins and mistakes
5.       One who doesn’t believe in the existence of good

Typed and uploaded by: Noojilla Srinivas, lecturer in English, Govt. Degree College, Alamuru, E.G. Dist, Andhra Pradesh - Ph: 7981862200
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