Saturday, 16 November 2019

English Literature - Indian English - To Students - by Mahatma Gandhi - Essay/ Speech - SUMMARY


Gandhi’s Essay “To Students” highlights his message to the students of India. He says that the education the students receive should make them worthy to realize their ideals and draw the best out of them.
Gandhiji says that the goal of the education should not be just to make Government employees or clerks in commercial offices. Gandhi is a determinant opponent of modern civilization. Students should think twice before they emulate the European civilization.
Gandhiji says that India can conquer the world not by shedding blood but by sheer spiritual predominance. Gandhiji feels that the political assassinations and political dacoities are purely a foreign importation.
Gandhiji asks the students to resist encroachment upon their liberty. He says that the Hindu religion is based upon Ahimsa. It is nothing but love, love not only to our neighbours, not only to our friends, but love even to those who may be our enemies.
Gandhiji asks the students to practise Ahimsa. He also asks them to practise fearlessness. He asks them to be prepared to suffer the consequences. Then, the students will be heard even by the Government.
Gandhiji says that freedom and liberty are not to be given by the (British) rulers, but to be taken by Indians. He refers to Max Muller’s quotation that ‘Hindu religion consists in the four letter word-DUTY, and not in the word RIGHT. So, he asks the students always think of their duty. Fighting along Ahimsa and Truth, one doesnot have any fear. He fears only for God.
Gandhiji finally asks the students to dedicate their lives for the service of suppressed, poor, and destitute. He asks them to do physical service. He also advises the students to dedicate their lives for the service of Mother Land and poor people of the Country.

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