Monday, 8 October 2018

NO MAN IS AN ISLAND - Essay - by Minoo Masani - Notes - SUMMARY

-- Minoo Masani

The essay “No Man is an Island” is an extract from “Our Growing Human Family” written by Minoo Masani. In this essay, Masani describes his vision of the future through the World Federation, its power and its effectiveness.  

Masani discusses various kinds of governments and their shortcomings.  He discusses the merits and demerits of democracy and dictatorship.  According to Masani, the government which governs the least is the best government.  He identifies two ‘tests’ to determine the most effective government. They are (i) to serve ‘the greatest good of the greatest number’; and   (ii) to give more freedom to the people.

Masani insists on liberty, equality and fraternity as the parameters for the best government.  Therefore, he looks at the democratic form of government as the preferable one.  In the dictatorship, everything happens according to the whims and fancies of One Person.  

Masani gives importance to the role of education and free thought in the progress made by civilization.  The essay concludes with Masani’s central theme –that every person contributes in his or her own way to the overall progress of a country.
Noojilla Srinivas

Lecturer in English
Govt. Degree College - Alamuru
M: 7981862200


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