Thursday, 11 October 2018

Words often confused - Pairs of Words - Homophones


The following list contains the pairs/ groups of words which are quite frequently confused.
1. Accept, Except
Accept = to receive, to promise to pay (opposite of reject)
Eg: He has accepted my apologies
Except = leaving out
Eg: All of my friends have attended the party except Raju

2. Advice, advise
Advice = Counsel, instruction
Eg: Our teachers always give good advice
Advise = MY father advised me to work hard

3. Affect, effect
Affect  = to act upon, to pretend
Eg: The accused affected madness in the court
Effect  = result
Eg: The results of the by-polls will not show any effect on the ruling party

4. Access, Excess
Access = Approach, admission
Eg: My friend’s father has some access to the Chief Minister
Excess = an extreme or excessive amount
Eg: Excess of everything is bad

5. Adapt, Adopt & Adept
Adapt    = to adjust oneself to a new environment, different conditions        
Eg: We must adapt ourselves to the changing circumstances
Adopt                 = to choose or take as one’s own
Eg: He has now adopted the right course of action.
Adept                 =    very skilled, expert, proficient
Eg: Ramana is an adept in the field of sculpture

6. Air, Heir
Air                      = a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and forms its atmosphere
Eg: The patient needs fresh air
Heir                    = a person who inherits the property, rank, title, etc. of another
Eg: He is the only legal heir to the property of his uncle.

7. Allowed, Aloud
Allowed              = to give permission
Eg: The teacher allowed me to leave the class
Aloud                 = with a loud voice
Eg:  The teacher is speaking quite aloud

8. Alter, Altar
Alter                   = to change
Eg: The Government altered the procedure for outsourcing
Altar                  = an elevated place at which religious rites are performed
Eg: He made an offering at the altar.

9. Angle, Angel
Angle                  =    point where two straight lines meet
Eg: There are thee angles in a triangle
Angel                  =    messenger from heaven
Eg: The little girl looks like an angel

10. Ancient, Old
Ancient               =    Of old times
Eg: He wrote many books on ancient Indian history
Old                     =    Advanced in age
Eg: Ram is an old friend of mine

11. Abstain, Refrain
Abstain               =    to refrain voluntarily from something regarded as improper
Eg: My friend Prasad abstains from wine
Refrain               =    to keep oneself from doing or saying something
Eg: We should refrain from telling lies

12. Admit, Confess
Admit                 =    to allow to enter, to confess, to acknowledge
Eg: They finally admitted him in Government hospital
Confess              =    to own or admit as true
Eg: The thief has confessed his guilt

13. Abject, Object
Abject                =    utterly hopeless, humiliating or wretched
Eg: They are living in abject poverty
Object                =    aim, purpose
Eg: It appears, he has no object in life

14. Amiable, Amicable
Amiable              = having or showing a friendly disposition
Eg: Dr. Parthasaradhi is an amiable person
Amicable            = agreeable
Eg: Finally, both the parties entered into an amicable agreement

15. Beautiful, Handsome
Beautiful            =    attractive
Eg: Nandini is a beautiful girl
Handsome          =    imposing appearance
Eg: Kumar is a handsome young man

16. Bear, Bare
Bear                   =    to endure
Eg: I cannot bear thisinsult
Bare                   =    naked
Eg: The leader is walking bare-footed

17. Berth, Birth
Berth                  =    Sleeping room in a train or ship
Eg: He has got his berth reserved in the Godavari express
Birth                   =    My wife gave birth to a baby boy

18. Born, Borne
Born                   =    brought forth by birth
Eg: He was born in Chandigarh
Borne                 =    a past participle of bear
Eg: My father borne many difficulties in his life

19. Break, Brake
Break                 =    to divide into pieces by force
Eg: Don’t break this cup
Brake                 =    appliance for lessening speed of carriage
Eg: The driver applied brakes and avoided the accident

20. Bridal, Bridle
Bridal                 =    belonging to bride or marriage
Eg: This shop is famous for bridal dresses
Bridle                 =    headgear of horse
Eg: The rider controls the horse with bridle

21. Bail, Bale
Bail                     =    security for prisoner’s reappearance
Eg: The students were released on bail
Bale                    =    package of goods
Eg: He purchased 20 bales  of cotton

22. Battle, War
Battle                 =    a hostile encounter between opposing armed forces
Eg: The first and second battles of Panipat laid strong foundation to Moghal empire
War                    =    a major armed conflict
Eg: Germany and Japan were defeated in the Second World War
23. Blunder, Error
Blunder              =    a stupid mistake
Eg: She made a blunder by not marrying Prakash
Error                 =    a deviation from accuracy or correctness
Eg: A slight error while driving a car can cause a serious accident

24. Beneficial, Beneficent
Beneficial           =    advantageous
Eg: Daily exercise is beneficial to health
Beneficent          =    doing good
Eg: Krishnadevaraya was a beneficent king

25. Beside, Besides
Beside                 =    by or at the side of
Eg: My house is beside the library
Besides               =    in addition to, moreover, furthermore
Eg: I have a pen besides a pencil

26. Canvas, Canvass
Canvas               =    a closely woven heavy cloth of hemp, flax or cotton
Eg: The goods in the truck are covered with a canvas sheet
Canvass             =    to solicit votes, opinions etc.
Eg: The political parties should not canvass on the day of polling

27. Cattle, Kettle
Cattle                 =    pets of pasture
Eg: The cattle are grazing in the field.
Kettle                 =    Vessel for boiling liquids
Eg: Please prepare some tea in the kettle

28. Check, Cheque
Check                 =    to stop
Eg: Please check whether all the children are there inside?
Cheque               =    written order to banker for money
Eg: The cheque he gave me was bounced

29. Ceiling, Sealing, Roof
Ceiling                =    top surface of room
Eg: The ceiling of the courtroom needs repairs
Sealing               =     to stamp with seal
Eg: Please do proper sealing for my parcel
Roof                   =    top covering of house
Eg: The crow is sitting on the roof

30. Compliment, Complement
Compliment    =  an expression of praise, commendation or admiration
Eg: Please convey my best compliments to your sister
Complement   = either of two parts constituting a whole, counterparts
Eg: An angle of 40 degrees is the complement of an angle of 50 degrees.

31. Corporal, Corporeal
Corporal         =          bodily
Eg: Gandhiji was against corporal punishment in schools
Corporeal       =          physical
Eg: Angels have no corporeal existence

32. Continually, Continuously
Continually     =          without cessation or intermission, unceasingly
Eg: The war was continually fought for 100 years between England and France
Continuously   =          uninterrupted in time
Eg: She has been dancing continuously for four hours

33. Credible, Creditable, Credulous
Credible          =          believable
Eg: His promise is not credible
Creditable       =          deserving credit, honour or reputation
Eg: Getting top rank in college is a creditable achievement
Credulous       =          gullible, innocent
Eg: She is a gullible woman

34. Council, Counsel
Council            =          an assembly of persons or representatives
Eg:   He is a member of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council.
Counsel           =          advice, opinion, adviser
Eg: Arun Jaitley appeared as Defence counsel in his case

35. Dairy, Diary
Dairy               =          a place where milk and cream are kept or processed
Eg: we purchase milk from Vijaya Dairy
Diary               =          a daily record of events
Eg: I don’t have enough time to write diary regularly

36. Discover, invent
Discover          =          to gain knowledge of something previously unknown
Eg:   Columbus invented America in 1492.
Invent  =          to originate, to produce or create with imagination
Eg: Marconi invented radio    

37. Dose, Doze
Dose = a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time
Eg: Take the medicine in the same dose as prescribed by the doctor
Doze = Shankar was dozing in the office

38. Fair, Fare
Fair     =          periodical market
Eg: We go to Lingampally fair every Wednesday
Fare = the price charged for transporting a passenger
Eg: The RTC bus fares are increased during festival season

39. Eligible, Illegible
Eligible            =          fit to be chosen, desirable
Eg: I am not eligible for the D.S.P. posts in the Group-1 notification
Illegible           =          not readable, indistinct
Eg: He always loses marks due to his illegible handwriting

40. Eminent, imminent
Eminent           =          distinguished
Eg:   Mallika Sarabhai is an eminent dancer
Imminent         =          soon happening, impending
Eg: His marriage with his cousin is imminent

41. Elicit, Illicit
Elicit = to educe, to draw out
Eg: The police failed to elicit any information from the person
Illicit = unlawful, forbidden
Eg: Illicit liquor is sold in this area

42. Facility, Felicity
Facility            =          something designed to serve a specific function
Eg: The Government is providing all facilities to the Government schools
Felicity            =          great happiness
Eg: I find real felicity in the service of mankind

43. Flour, Floor
Flour               =          finely ground meal
Eg: Bread is made of wheat flour
Floor               =          lower surface of room, storey
Eg: The floor of his room is well designed

44. Gilt, Guilt
Gilt   = overlaid with gold
Eg: Gilt jewellery is gaining popularity
Guilt = crime, sin
Eg: The man accepted his guilt before the police

45. Goal, Gaol
Goal = destination, aim, purpose
Eg: Every one must have a definite goal
Gaol = prison, jail
Eg: The thief was sent to the gaol by the Magistrate

46.    Hale, Hail, Hail
Hale:   healthy, robust
Eg: My uncle looks hale and hearty even at the ripe age of eighty five.
Hail: to have as one’s place of birth or residence
Eg:   Srinivas hails from Kakinada
Hail: frozen rain
Eg: The recent hail storm ruined the crops

47. Heal, Heel
Heal = to make healthy, to grow sound
Eg:   This ointment healed my wounds soon
Heel  = hinder part of foot
Eg:   High-heel footwear is famous among fashion world

48. Industrial, Industrious
Industrial        =          having many and highly developed industries
Eg: Patancheru is an industrial area
Industrious      =          hard working, diligent
Eg: My friend Prasad is very industrious

49. Insight, Incite
Insight =          perception, intuition, understanding
Eg: Rajeev Gandhi was a man of deep insight
Incite   =          to urge on, to stimulate to action
Eg: Political parties try to incite communal riots in the country

50. Lose, Loose
Lose = to be deprived of, to suffer loss
Eg: Please take care of your suitcase, lest you should lose it
Loose  =          not tight, morally lax
Eg: She is a woman of loose character and no body likes her

51. Medal, Meddle
Medal  =          metal worked in form of coin given as award
Eg:   Her husband was awarded the Souryachakra medal posthumously
Meddle            =          to interfere
Eg:   Don’t meddle in their private affairs

52. Miner, Minor
Miner  =          One who works in mine
Eg:   He is a miner in Singareni collieries
Minor  =          under aged person
Eg: He was minor when he got married

53.    Naughty, Knotty
Naughty          =          wicked
Eg: My one year old boy is very naughty
Knotty =          difficult
Eg: The unemployment problem has become very knotty

54. Obvious, Oblivious
Obvious           =          evident, clear
Eg: It is quite obvious that he involved in the scam
Oblivious         =          unmindful, unaware
Eg: He is quite oblivious of his son’s bad habits

55. Principal, Principle
Principal         =          head of school/ college
Eg: Our Engineering College Principal was very strict
Principle          =          fundamental truth, law, rule of life
Eg: My father was a man of principles

56. Profit, Prophet
Profit   =          gain, advantage, benefit
Eg: The IPL Cricket franchisees didn’t gain much profit
Prophet           =          inspired founder of religion
Eg: Mohammed was a prophet of the Muslims

57. Quite, Quiet, Quit
Quite   =          completely, altogether
Eg: His temperature is quite normal
Quiet   =          still, calm, at rest, free from noise
Eg: All of you, please keep quiet!
Quit     =          to leave, to repay, to abandon
Eg: Don’t quit the government job

58. Right, Rite, Write, Wright
Right               =          Correct, something one may have by law
Eg: Fundamental rights are protected even during emergency
Rite                 =          religious ceremony
Eg: He performed the last rites of his father at Varanasi
Write   =          to communicate
Eg: I want to write a letter to her
Wright            =          a constructive workman – a play wright
Eg:   Shakespeare was the greatest play wright of English literature

59. Root, Rout, Route
Root = a part of the body of a plant below surface of Earth
Eg:   Plants receive water through roots
Rout = to defeat
Eg: The Germans were routed in the second World War
Route  =          course, way
Eg:   We came from Chennai in a short route

60. Sell, cell
Sell      =          to dispose of in exchange for money
Eg: He doesn’t want to sell his car now.
Cell      =          small room or cavity
Eg: The prisoner has been locked up in a dingy cell

61. Sensible, Sensitive
Sensible           =          intelligent
Eg:   He is a sensible person and never takes a wrong decision
Sensitive          =          readily or excessively affected by external influences
Eg: My sister is a very sensitive person

62. Soar, Sore, Sour
Soar = to rise
Eg:   The oil prices are soaring in the sky
Sore  =             physically painful or sensitive as a wound
Eg: His eyes are sore due to his continuous work on computer
Sour = having an acid taste resembling that of lemon juice, etc.
Eg: These grapes taste sour.

63. Stationary, Stationery
Stationary       =          standing still, not moving
Eg:   The fast moving jeep collided with a stationary truck
Stationery       =          Writing materials as pens, paper, pencils, etc.
Eg: I always purchase stationery items in Secunderabad

64. Tamper, Temper
Tamper           =          to meddle
Eg: He tampered with my property documents
Temper           =          a particular state of mind or feeling
Eg: When you lose temper, count numbers upto ten.

65. Team, Teem
Team   =          a number of persons associated in some joint action
Eg: His team always stands first
Teem   =          to abound or swarm
Eg: This abandoned bungalow teems with snakes and insects

66. Vain, Vane, Vein
Vain = without real significance, useless
Eg: All my efforts to convince him went in vain.
Vane =            a device rotating freely in  a horizontal plane and so mounted and formed as to point into the wind
Eg: The vane is pointing to the West.
Vein  =             one of the system of branching vessels conveying blood from various parts of the body to the heart
Eg: The medicine was injected through veins
67. Verse, Worse
Verse:             line of poem, stanza, poetry
Eg: My verses are published in magazines
Worse:            comparative degree of bad
Eg: His condition is worse than yesterday

68. Veil, Vale, Wail
Veil                  =          woman’s covering for face, curtain
Eg: She covered her face with a veil.
Vale                 =          valley
Eg: The vale of Kangra is famous for its scenery
Wail                =          to lament loudly
Eg: The wails of the injured tourists moved everybody present there.

69. Wet, Whet
Wet                 =          containing water
Eg: He is wearing wet clothes
Whet               =          to sharpen by rubbing
Eg: The sight of the sweets has wetted his appetite.

70. Wave, Waive
Wave               =          to signal
Eg: The chief minister waved his hand at the audience
Waive              =          to give up
Eg: The government waived off all the loans of the poor farmers

Lecturer in English
Govt. Degree College,
Andhra pradesh - India
M: 7981862200

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