Monday, 8 October 2018

Spoken English and Broken English - Essay - by George Bernard Shaw - Notes - SUMMARY

Spoken English & Broken English

-George Bernard Shaw
          ‘Spoken English and Broken English’ is a transcript of a radio talk given by George Bernard Shaw. In this talk, Shaw says that language need not be perfect but be intelligible.

          Shaw begins his talk saying that all the native speakers also cannot speak English in the same manner and correctly. Shaw further says that people do not speak a language in the same way on all occasions.  The way a person speaks at an office or a public place may differ from the way he speaks at home.  People have to observe company manners and home manners.
          In this talk, Shaw gives some advice to the foreign speakers of English language. They should not try to speak English perfectly when they travel in England.  If they do so, the natives will not understand them because the foreigners fail to produce the correct accent and stress. Hence, the foreigners should speak in broken English. Then only, the natives will come forward to help them. If a foreigner tries to speak good and grammatical English, it will be an unnecessary affectation.
Noojilla Srinivas

Lecturer in English
Govt. Degree College - Alamuru
M: 7981862200


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