Sunday, 7 October 2018

Vocabulary - Words often confused - Homophones

Many common errors in English language occur due to wrong use of words. There are many groups or pairs of words in the English language which are often very confusing.  These words create confusion because they appear quite similar in sound or in meaning. 
Important groups of such frequently confused words are – ‘Homophones’ and ‘Homonyms’. ‘Homophones’ are the words which are similar in pronunciation (sound) but differ in meaning, origin or spelling. ‘Homonyms’ are the words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins.
We may often use another word instead of the appropriate words needed due to their similarity in form. Some of these words may even look as synonyms because of their similarity in meaning.  But they are not exactly the same.  Any wrong use of the words can change the whole meaning and the sense of the sentence.  Therefore, we must try to understand their precise meaning so as to avoid the confusion.
The following list contains the pairs of such words which are frequently confused. The meanings and the examples of usages also are provided for clear understanding.
1. Accept, Except
Accept       = to receive, to promise to pay (opposite of reject)
Eg: He has accepted my apologies
Except       = leaving out
Eg: All of my friends have attended the party except Raju

2. Advice, advise
Advice       = Counsel, instruction
Eg: Our teachers always give good advice
Advise       = MY father advised me to work hard

3. Affect, effect
Affect        = to act upon, to pretend
Eg: The accused affected madness in the court
Effect        = result
Eg: The results of the by-polls will not show any effect on the ruling party

4. Access, Excess
Access       = Approach, admission
Eg: My friend’s father has some access to the Chief Minister
Excess       = an extreme or excessive amount
Eg: Excess of everything is bad

5. Adapt, Adopt & Adept
Adapt    = to adjust oneself to a new environment, different conditions  
Eg: We must adapt ourselves to the changing circumstances
Adopt = to choose or take as one’s own
Eg: He has now adopted the right course of action.
Adept = very skilled, expert, proficient
Eg: Ramana is an adept in the field of sculpture

6. Alter, Altar
Alter = to change
Eg: The Government altered the procedure for outsourcing
Altar = an elevated place at which religious rites are performed
Eg: He made an offering at the altar.

7. Abject, Object
Abject = utterly hopeless, humiliating or wretched
Eg: They are living in abject poverty
Object = aim, purpose
Eg: It appears, he has no object in life

8. Amiable, Amicable
Amiable = having or showing a friendly disposition
Eg: Dr. Parthasaradhi is an amiable person
Amicable = agreeable
Eg: Finally, both the parties entered into an amicable agreement

9. Bear, Bare
Bear = to endure
Eg: I cannot bear thisinsult
Bare = naked
Eg: The leader is walking bare-footed

10. Berth, Birth
Berth = Sleeping room in a train or ship
Eg: He has got his berth reserved in the Godavari express
Birth = My wife gave birth to a baby boy

11. Born, Borne
Born = brought forth by birth
Eg: He was born in Chandigarh
Borne = a past participle of bear
Eg: My father borne many difficulties in his life

12. Break, Brake
Break = to divide into pieces by force
Eg: Don’t break this cup
Brake = appliance for lessening speed of carriage
Eg: The driver applied brakes and avoided the accident
13. Bail, Bale
Bail = security for prisoner’s reappearance
Eg: The students were released on bail
Bale = package of goods
Eg: He purchased 20 bales  of cotton

14. Beside, Besides
Beside = by or at the side of
Eg: My house is beside the library
Besides = in addition to, moreover, furthermore
Eg: I have a pen besides a pencil

15. Canvas, Canvass
Canvas = a closely woven heavy cloth of hemp, flax or cotton
Eg: The goods in the truck are covered with a canvas sheet
Canvass = to solicit votes, opinions etc.
Eg: The political parties should not canvass on the day of polling

16. Check, Cheque
Check = to stop
Eg: Please check whether all the children are there inside?
Cheque = written order to banker for money
Eg: The cheque he gave me was bounced

17. Ceiling, Sealing
Ceiling = top surface of room
Eg: The ceiling of the courtroom needs repairs
Sealing = to stamp with seal
Eg: Please do proper sealing for my parcel

18. Compliment, Complement
Compliment   =  an expression of praise, commendation or admiration
Eg: Please convey my best compliments to your sister
Complement   = either of two parts constituting a whole, counterparts
Eg: An angle of 40 degrees is the complement of an angle of 50 degrees.

19. Credible, Creditable
Credible    = believable
Eg: His promise is not credible
Creditable = deserving credit, honour or reputation
Eg: Getting top rank in college is a creditable achievement

20. Council, Counsel
Council      = an assembly of persons or representatives
Eg:            He is a member of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council.
Counsel     = advice, opinion, adviser
Eg: Arun Jaitley appeared as Defence counsel in his case

21. Dairy, Diary
Dairy =     a place where milk and cream are kept or processed
Eg: we purchase milk from Vijaya Dairy
Diary =     a daily record of events
Eg: I don’t have enough time to write diary regularly

22-A. Dear, Deer
Dear = beloved or loved
Eg: Young children are dear to everybody.
Deer = a kind of ruminant quadruped
Eg:  I saw a deer in the zoo.

23. Dose, Doze
Dose= a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time
Eg: Take the medicine in the same dose as prescribed by the doctor
Doze = Shankar was dozing in the office

24. Fair, Fare
Fair = periodical market
Eg: We go to Lingampally fair every Wednesday
Fare = the price charged for transporting a passenger
Eg: The RTC bus fares are increased during festival season

25. Eligible, Illegible
Eligible = fit to be chosen, desirable
Eg: I am not eligible for the D.S.P. posts in the Group-1 notification
Illegible     = not readable, indistinct
Eg: He always loses marks due to his illegible handwriting

26. Eminent, imminent
Eminent     = distinguished
Eg: Mallika Sarabhai is an eminent dancer
Imminent = soon happening, impending
Eg: His marriage with his cousin is imminent

27. Elicit, Illicit
Elicit = to educe, to draw out
Eg: The police failed to elicit any information from the person
Illicit = unlawful, forbidden
Eg: Illicit liquor is sold in this area

28. Flour, Floor
Flour = finely ground meal
Eg: Bread is made of wheat flour
Floor =      lower surface of room, storey
Eg: The floor of his room is well designed

29-A, Former, Farmer
Former =  of earlier period, foregoing.
Eg: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is the former President of India.
Farmer = Cultivator
Eg:  Farmers are working in the field.

30. Gilt, Guilt
Gilt = overlaid with gold
Eg: Gilt jewellery is gaining popularity
Guilt = crime, sin
Eg: The man accepted his guilt before the police

31. Goal, Gaol
Goal = destination, aim, purpose
Eg: Every one must have a definite goal
Gaol = prison, jail
Eg: The thief was sent to the gaol by the Magistrate

32-B. Hare, Hair
Hare = small timid quadruped
Eg: I saw a beautiful hare in the jungle.
Hair = dry filament growing on skin of animal bodies
Eg: His hair is grey.

33. Heal, Heel
Heal =       to make healthy, to grow sound
Eg: This ointment healed my wounds soon
Heel =       hinder part of foot
Eg: High-heel footwear is famous among fashion world

34. Industrial, Industrious
Industrial =           having many and highly developed industries
Eg: Patancheru is an industrial area
Industrious =        hard working, diligent
Eg: My friend Prasad is very industrious

35. Insight, Incite
Insight = perception, intuition, understanding
Eg: Rajeev Gandhi was a man of deep insight
Incite =      to urge on, to stimulate to action
Eg: Political parties try to incite communal riots in the country

36. Lose, Loose
Lose = to be deprived of, to suffer loss
Eg: Please take care of your suitcase, lest you should lose it
Loose =     not tight, morally lax
Eg: She is a woman of loose character and no body likes her

37. Medal, Meddle
Medal =     metal worked in form of coin given as award
Eg: Her husband was awarded the Souryachakra medal posthumously
Meddle = to interfere
Eg: Don’t meddle in their private affairs

38. Miner, Minor
Miner =     One who works in mine
Eg: He is a miner in Singareni collieries
Minor =     under aged person
Eg: He was minor when he got married

39. Obvious, Oblivious
Obvious     = evident, clear
Eg: It is quite obvious that he involved in the scam
Oblivious = unmindful, unaware
Eg: He is quite oblivious of his son’s bad habits

40. Principal, Principle
Principal = head of school/ college
Eg: Our Engineering College Principal was very strict
Principle = fundamental truth, law, rule of life
Eg: My father was a man of principles

41. Profit, Prophet
Profit =     gain, advantage, benefit
Eg: The IPL Cricket franchisees didn’t gain much profit
Prophet     = inspired founder of religion
Eg: Mohammed was a prophet of the Muslims

42. Quite, Quiet
Quite = completely, altogether
Eg: His temperature is quite normal
Quiet =      still, calm, at rest, free from noise
Eg: All of you, please keep quiet!

43. Root, Route
Root =       a part of the body of a plant below surface of Earth
Eg: Plants receive water through roots
Route =     course, way
Eg: We came from Chennai in a short route

44. Sell, cell
Sell =         to dispose of in exchange for money
Eg: He doesn’t want to sell his car now.
Cell =        small room or cavity
Eg: The prisoner has been locked up in a dingy cell

45. Soar, Sore
Soar =       to rise
Eg: The oil prices are soaring in the sky
Sore =       physically painful or sensitive as a wound
Eg: His eyes are sore due to his continuous work on computer

46. Stationary, Stationery
Stationary =          standing still, not moving
Eg: The fast moving jeep collided with a stationary truck
Stationery =          Writing materials as pens, paper, pencils, etc.
Eg: I always purchase stationery items in Secunderabad

47. Tamper, Temper
Tamper     = to meddle
Eg: He tampered with my property documents
Temper     = a particular state of mind or feeling
Eg: When you lose temper, count numbers upto ten.

48. Verse, Worse
Verse =     line of poem, stanza, poetry
Eg: My verses are published in magazines
Worse =    comparative degree of bad
Eg: His condition is worse than yesterday

49-A. Way, Weigh
Way =  road, direction, passage
Eg: What is the shortest way to Arts College?
Weigh = to find how heavy thing is
Eg: Could you please weigh this article?

50. Wave, Waive
Wave =     to signal
Eg: The chief minister waved his hand at the audience
Waive =    to give up
Eg: The government waived off all the loans of the poor farmers
Lecturer in English
Govt. Degree College, 
Alamuru, E.G.Dist., 
Andhra Pradesh, India. 
M: 7981862200 

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